Groningen en Drenthe lege landschappen en Hunebedden

Vanuit Paterswolde is het makkelijk fietsen richting Groningen en Drenthe door lege landschappen met hier en daar een boom. Stralende blauwe luchten leveren mooie rustige foto’s op. In Drenthe is het Hunebed met de naam “Duivels kut” te zien. Het verhaal hiervan Hunebed kun je nalezen op de de website van Abe de Verteller.

“Marker Wadden” an artificial island in a lake that once was the sea

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An artificial island, Marker Wadden, recently opened for public in a lake, Markermeer, where once was the Zuiderzee. The Zuiderzee was cut off from the North Sea in the 1930’s by the Afsluitdijk. The salt water disappeared and the lake Markermeer emerged, in 2016 the artificial island “Marker Wadden” was created using sediments from the Markermeer to construct spawning areas, islands and natural shores such as beaches and wetlands.

Summer minimal landscapes Friesland III

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Last of the Friesland series. View from a dyke over a field with horses grazing, even further away in the distance is the sea and the Wadden Islands. Empty rows in a harvested field. A field with grain in the summer, a tree in the distance, rather reminds me of the vast emptiness in a country in Africa then in the Netherlands. A lone biker climbing up from behind a dyke, looking over his shoulder to see what is there.

Summer minimal landscapes Friesland I

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Summer in Friesland in the North of The Netherlands. In the upper most part of where land was taken from the sea. Lone dykes protect us from the sea. A red roof can be seen behind the dyke, a red pole with nothing around. From the dyke you can see the Wadden islands in the distance.